
Flinks API is a RESTful API explicitly taking advantage of HTTP methodologies defined by the [RFC 2616] ( protocol. All responses come in standard JSON and all requests must include Content-Type: application/json header, and a valid JSON body when applicable.

The API supports only secure communications over HTTPS TLS v1.2+ and non secure TLS under v1.2 are going to be rejected.

Instances and Requests

When integrating your app server, make sure that you are specifying your own environment in the API calls for when you go to production.


As in this guide examples the sandbox instance is used, you need to adjust the API call URL.

In the URL path from your API call, you specify the instance that you're using as well your customerId. This information is given to you when you receive all information from your private instance.

Example of a structure of an API URL:


In an case where the instance is called yourcompany and the customerId is 334a74ab-6592-4431-a6a0-3f5585d8019d, the API URL would be:

Testing our API

It's possible to try our API directly from this documentation!

For you to be able to do that, you need to have in hands a valid loginId in your production instance.


API calls examples

In the next steps, you are going to be able to test our API calls, but make sure you have a valid loginId in your production instance.